Videos 5 August 2018

Jammer Joins HalfCast Podcast To Discuss If Grime Is Dying

5 August 2018

In the latest episode of the Halfcast Podcast, Chuckie Online is joined by grime veteran Jammer to talk about the status of grime today. 

As a result of Wiley’s recent statements on social media about his standpoint on grime being dead, Chuckie and Jammer discuss whether Grime is dying again for themselves. The pair agree that this talking point is one that resurfaces periodically and they go onto say that the question of whether grime is dying is an everlasting but subjective one. Jammer also speaks on what he defines as grime and music in relation to both numbers and quality.

Check out the full episode for yourself above and catch up on the previous episode right here on GRM Daily.