Videos 19 May 2018

Halfcast Podcast discuss religion in new instalment

19 May 2018

Chuckie and Poet are joined by Savage Dan to talk about variety, of insightful topics including religion on this week’s edition of Halfcast Podcast.

With the episode focusing on religion, the three delve into a controversial topic of all things to do with Christianity and religion. With Poet, being clear from the get-go on his views, he comments, “When it comes to Christianity I’m genuinely not interested in it.”

Taking religion out of the question, the topic continues touching on topics on what makes a good person and how society has made it difficult to exist with such thing like religion.

You can watch the brand new episode of the Halfcast Podcast above, check out the previous episode where they talk about the section boys hiatus and how it may possibly affect their career right here on GRM Daily.