News Videos 28 November 2016
Author: Trudy Barry

Young M.A apparently ducked on her performance… but kept the cash

Author Trudy Barry
28 November 2016

Sh-t is going down in New Orleans with a club promoter claiming that Young M.A ghosted at a planned appearance while keeping her $33,000 paycheque.

The promoter, who refers to himself in the videos as Winston, took to Instagram to post the message of the alleged situation. In the vid he talks about M.A’s “nasty attitude” and how she wouldn’t perform due to the venue not being packed enough.

He then posted a follow up video of him and boys from the hood threatening the rapper while brandishing their extensive gun collection.

The “OOOUUU” rapper has since posted a response to her Snapchat page urging her fans “don’t believe everything you hear”, whilst not totally denying the situation, just assuring us that she doesn’t even know what goes on “behind the scenes”.

Whether on not this whole mess is true or not, seems odd that man would be flexing on Insta with guns and even tagging gossip account @theshaderoom. He also promised a Young M.A diss track coming in the near future, which he then dropped over the “OOOUUU” beat.

It’s definitely possible that the Brooklyn artist skipped out with her cheque, but it sounds like Winston mainly wants to promote his own music.