Videos 29 March 2020

A YouTuber used ‘Minecraft’ mods to build the entire Earth

29 March 2020

For the very first time in Minecraft, PippenFTS, a YouTuber has created a 1:1 scale version of the Earth.

This was made possible by the use of two mods, Terra 1-to-1 and Cubic Chunks.

PippenFTS explained that Minecraft normally has a height limit of 255m which would have made it difficult for a full-scale earth terrain.

PippenFTS said that Using Cubic Chunks “changes the shape of Minecraft chunks to 16x16x16 cube, giving you infinite build depth in both vertical directions.”

He added, “With the Cubic Chunks mod breaking Minecraft’s vertical limitations, we can now experience the Earth in Minecraft, just as it is, with no downscaling of any kind.”

The next stage is the application of the Terra 1-1 mod, which takes information from geographical data archives (such as Google Maps) and converts it into Minecraft blocks.

Check out the video above that displays a variety of large landmarks in Minecraft, such as Mount Everest, the Grand Canyon, and Yosemite National Park’s Half Dome in the US.