The BBC have announced that they are making an hour long film in relation to the shooting of Mark Duggan. It has been 4 years since his shooting and only last year was the killing of Mark Duggan declared as “lawful” even though he was unarmed. An inquest Jury believed that Mark threw the gun to the ground before the shooting, as the weapon was found 6 meters away from where he was shot.
The film will follow a mockumentary format and will try to look into the life of Mark Duggan and the “gangster stereotype” that he led during the challenges he faced living as a black male in Tottenham. The fatal shooting of the 29-year-old in Tottenham, prompted riots across the capital and this is something they would like to focus on too.
An advertisement which is seeking an actor for the role says “Mark Duggan was not the notorious gunman the press have portrayed him to be; neither was he, as his family readily accept, ‘an angel’.”
A BBC spokesperson stated that they wanted to keep the film open to opinion and just to show how the death has affected others around him, asking questions on the matter, and trying to find the original cause.
What are your opinions on the film? Do you think it’s a good idea? Will it be executed well enough for it to be respectful yet insightful?