Roughly three years ago, the Beta Squad filmed a Nerf themed Hide and Seek video. Set in a multi-million-pound mansion, the video was a cult favourite, and it seemed like a concept worth repeating in the future. in October 2023, the time has come for this reimagination, and Aj Shabeel has taken personal responsibility for this video’s success. This time set within a multi-story complex specifically designed by Nerf, for Nerf, the Beta Squad embark on a highly intensive game of hide and seek with equally high rewards, with the winner earning £10,000.
As you would expect, the resulting video is both amusing and heart racing. Look out for a particular scene set in a bathroom where it seems Darkest has surely met his fate as a prime example of this. Be sure to check out the video above, and keep an eye on GRM for further AJ Shabeel and general Beta Squad updates.