News 29 October 2016

Burger King trolls McDonalds with hilarious Halloween Prank

29 October 2016

Burger King and McDonalds branches like to poke fun at each other, but Burger King has shut it down in their latest Halloween prank. A branch of the Burger King chain dressed up as a McDonald’s ghost, with a white sheet and hand scrawled McDonald’s written on it.

Better yet, they then plastered a sign underneath reading “BOOOOO! Just kidding, we still flame grill our burgers. Happy Halloween,” a sly dig at McDonald’s frying their burgers. Once inside the branch, they carried on the scary theme with packaging of their burgers designed as shoddy McDonald’s boxes, written in marker.

GRM Daily

We for one are interested to see what McDonald’s retaliation will be, but for now, touché Burger King, touché.