News 8 November 2020

Man left injured after his dog accidentally shoots him in the leg

8 November 2020

A man in North Texas has had a lucky escape after his pet dog accidentally shot him in the leg.

The man had his gun tucked inside the waistband of his trousers and when he picked up the dog, the pooch’s paw got stuck on the trigger.

The gun was fired and the man was left with non-life-threatening injuries to his thigh.

In a statement on Facebook, the Plano Police department said, “Imagine having your pistol tucked inside your waistband and while picking up your dog, a paw gets lodged in the trigger and fires the weapon, sending a bullet into and through your thigh. Well, that happened here in Plano.”

The Police Department also used the post as a reminder to promote responsible gun ownership – asking gun owners to take safety precautions when they choose to allow firearms into their homes.

In an interview with Dallas Morning News, an officer who responded to the incident said, “fortunately, it was just a through and through shot — it didn’t hit a main artery or anything. He took himself to the hospital and he’s fine.”