Videos 18 August 2018

Watch Don Strapzy Shell Down His Kenny Allstar Freestyle

18 August 2018

Lately Don Strapzy has been combining his passion for music and his love for football and in his brand-new Kenny Allstar freestyle, the rapper fuses both worlds to drop some hard bars.

During the first half of the freestyle, Don Strapzy tackles a gritty rap beat to unleash a whole heap of football-related punchlines and an equal amount of greazy lyrics. The second half of the freestyle is more personal in tone as the SE Dons team member jumps on a much slower beat to share a few from-the-heart bars to give us an insight into some of his most honest thoughts.

Check out Don Strapzy’s cold freestyle in the video above and make you sure watch the rapper celebrate with his SE Dons team in the “Anything” visuals.