News 29 September 2015
Author: Marisa Lee

London nightclub DSTRKT cause outrage for refusing entry to girls for being “too dark” and “too fat”

Author Marisa Lee
29 September 2015

A group of women have taken on West End nightclub DSTRKT after two black members of the group were turned away at the door for being “too fat” and “too dark”.

The incident was all over social media over last weekend and has led to other black women coming forward with more unbelievable, stories of judgemental and racist staff in the club scene.

The four women arrived at the club in the belief their names were on the guest list and that they would be at a table.

Zalika Miller, 26, said that the odd requirements began before the girls arrived at the club. “Prior to us actually getting to the club, the [promoter] wanted pictures of the girls that my friend was going to bring. He basically said, if she was going to bring black girls then they’ve got to be of ‘a certain calibre’. She sent him pictures of me and another girl that was coming and I guess he gave his approval.”

At around 10pm the same night, the women were then scrutinised at the door with standards they did not fit into. They claim that a staff member at the door went inside the venue to confirm whether the girls would be allowed into the club.

“I remember even saying I’m not even going to bother to take my ID out because I bet she’s going to come back out and tell us some rubbish excuse,” Miller, from North London, said.

The group was then denied entry and was told the club was full despite other women being allowed to enter after them.

Miller went on to say, “The promoter went to the door girl and asked why she wasn’t letting us in and she just said, ‘I don’t think they’re good looking enough’.”

The girls then messaged the promoter, and said that they were explicitly told they would not get into the club because one was deemed “too dark” and another “overweight”. After more stories appeared on social media of similar stories, the promoter replied with the below screenshot.

GRM Daily

Brooke Norton who works for the club told of a similar story; “When I finished work on Friday at DSTRKT, I was told not to bring so many black girls on my table next time and I should only really have light skin girls, Indian girls or white girls. That to me is f***ing discrimination.

“I won’t be promoting there [any] more that’s for sure, they took money out of my pay for that night cause they didn’t count one of my black friend as a guest. So, so bad.”

Twitter then called for Karreuche to cancel her appearance at the club on Sunday, the following night.