News 6 September 2016
Author: Benji

Durex launch emoji-inspired aubergine flavoured condoms

Author Benji
6 September 2016

Condom manufacturers Durex have announced the launch of a new aubergine flavoured condom.

The company tweeted out an image of the packaging showcasing the ‘Eggplant’, which was seemingly in honour of the emoji commonly used as a penis while sexting.

The tweet read, “#BreakingNews: We’re launching an exciting new savoury #Condom range – Eggplant flavour!”

Fantastic the idea may seem, it was in actual fact a hoax, with Durex since revealing they have no plans to launch the product, despite the outcry from Twitter users.

The hoax was another attempt to promote safe sex – Global Director of Durex Volker Sydow said, “The idea of an Eggplant condom coming from Durex is pretty absurd.

“But it is not as absurd as the fact that there is no emoji that enables young people to discuss safe sex easily in this language.

“We want to thank all the supporters of the condom emoji and assure everyone that we will continue to champion communication about safe sex in all forms.”

If this isn’t brilliant marketing I don’t know what is.