News 18 March 2021

Tommy Robinson Accused Of Misusing Funds From Far-Right Supporters For ‘Coke’ & ‘Nights Out’

18 March 2021

The founder of far-right group the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson, allegedly ‘misused’ funds he received from his supporters, The Independent has now revealed.

Earlier this month, Tommy Robinson – real name Stephen Christopher Lennon – was listed on the insolvency register after declaring himself bankrupt.

However, The Independent have had access to financial documents which indicate Robinson has received hundreds of thousands of pounds in donations and funding since he announced he was “going independent” in 2018.

The documents suggest Robinson received almost £425,000 in just over two months, and he’s also believed to have raised a larger amount after he was jailed for contempt of court in May 2018.

Although Robinson strongly denies misusing any funds, former employees – such as Caolan Robertson who worked for the far-right activist in 2018 – have raised concerns on where the money from fundraising campaigns went.

Robertson, who has since stopped working with Robinson, told the Independent how he witnessed the transfer of large sums from a crowdfunding page into Robinson’s account.

After noticing the withdrawal of £33,000 in donations, Robertson asked what the money was being used for, to which Robinson said he has “mates I’ve got to pay back” for “seshes”.

“We realised that he was withdrawing huge amounts of [donations] in cash from a business bank account, and just giving it to his friends who were selling him coke and who he owed for nights out,” Robertson added.

“That wasn’t what we signed up for when we told our supporters that we needed it for kit, expenses, transport, security and staff costs.”

GRM Daily
Screengrab from the Donorbox website showing donations to Robinson in spring 2018

Two other former employees express concerns regarding finances with one saying they weren’t properly paid, and the other saying payments were delayed for several months.

Robertson added that Robinson would brag of being “f***ing loaded” and making “mad money” when drunk, making expensive purchases including a new car and designer clothes.

Robinson has denied the claims, telling The Independent: “I have the utmost respect for my supporters and have never behaved in a dishonest way towards them.

“I confirm that I do not use cocaine and prostitutes. I do wear designer clothes and always have done. I had other sources of income including from building and property development and tanning shops. I no longer have any assets or income.

“Any purchases of personal items such as designer clothing have been paid for personally.”

He also said he removed donated funds from a crowdfunding account to put them into a business account, “to run the business operations”. 

“These operations have included costs of travel, accommodation, film and editing crew and social media activity,” he added. “We have also made donations to the families of child victims of grooming, for example at Christmas.”