Videos 10 September 2016
Author: Marisa Lee

You need to see this American Grandad review Wretch & Avelino’s FITB

Author Marisa Lee
10 September 2016

Originally he says that the title could be of “llamas in hats”, and later he laughs at one of Wrech 32’s bars about testicles.

NearlySeniorCitizen was sent in Wretch 32 & Avelino’s Fire in the Booth by a fan to review, and he loves it. He goes from being shocked at the fact that rappers are talking slow enough for him to actually understand them, to looking genuinely immersed in the pair’s bars. 

It’s mad to see an American of such an age – who’s probably never heard about the scene before – actually enjoy the talent we’ve got, even if he’s not a fan of Charlie’s constant use of the soundboard.

Skip to minute 2:20 for the start of his review.