News 31 August 2016

Expert reveals how often you should be having sex

31 August 2016

Ah- the age old debate; how much sex is normal?

Well, a new study into sex has revealed that the happiest couples only have sex once a week. 

The study, which saw 30,000 people interviewed, has been disputed by sex therapist (yup, that’s a real thing) Esther Perel. Esther argues that the physical and emotional connection a couple has is more important than the frequency of sex. 

She said, “People will experience that desire ebbs and flows… if there is a spark between you but it only happens every few weeks, that’s okay. The renewal, the connection, the playfulness is what most people are longing for.”

So fear not all you once-a-week people, as sex therapist Tammy Nelson so aptly put it, “Normal is a setting on the washing machine, nothing more.”

Amy Muir, a researcher in the original study clarified, “Having sex more frequently than once a week was not associated with less happiness, it just wasn’t associated with more happiness on average.”