News 27 August 2016
Author: Marisa Lee

The government is getting rid of our Human Rights Act

Author Marisa Lee
27 August 2016

Liz Truss, the newly appointed Justice Secretary and Lord Chancellor, told BBC’s Radio 4 Programme that the Human Rights Act will be officially scrapped as part of Brexit.

“We are committed to that. That is a manifesto commitment,” she said, adding that the Ministry of Justice will “set out [their] proposals for a bill of rights in due course.

The tories want to scrap the act to break the link between the British courts and the European court of Human Rights. 

But don’t get too worried guys, The Human Rights act would be replaced by a British Bill of Rights, which would be an attempt to reinforce the supremacy of UK law and enable UK authorities to deport foreign criminals easier.

The decision to change the bill hasn’t come without its controversy however, with many against the proposed move. Now the plan is in action, you can expect to see plenty more outrage.