Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last couple of weeks, you would be well aware that Russell Brand has been the subject of a documentary filmed in collaboration by the Telegraph and Channel 4. The documentary is concerned with investigating Russell Brand’s relationship with women throughout his personal and professional history, and appears to conclude that he is in some part guilty of an abuse of power. However, nothing has been settled in a court and the evidence presented has not been verified or validated by numerous external sources. As a result, there is an intriguing collision taking place in public discourse between the rights of publications to out people in positions of power of wrong acts they have committed, against the belief that the media should never be the judge of one’s fate.
As a result, the debate around Russell Brand has become to represent much more than just the outcome of Brand’s fate and has morphed into a vehicle to discuss our relationship with power, gender and, of course. the truth in society. Poet and Chuckie attempt to tackle these issues head on in the most recent edition of the HC Pod. Nuance is required in debates of this significance, and luckily this is a skill both presenters have in spades. Posing arguments with the hope to come to some sort of joint consensus, their genuine pursuit of truth in a murky topic is refreshing and will at the very least be thought provoking. Whether you’ve kept up to date with every update on this story or are just catching up, be sure to check out the episode above and keep an eye on GRM Daily for further HC Pod updates.