Rising Derby teenager Idi Akz has marked his return with “DSLM?” alongside a clean set of visuals!
On this Hargo-produced track Idi Akz speaks on heartbreak and feeling insecure in love and the visuals hone in on his lyrics and show him going through a rough patch in a relationship.
The track serves as the follow-up to Idi Akz’s huge 2021 single, “Two Years Cleaer (Petrarchan Lover)”, which has racked up over 28 million Spotify streams and 6.9 million YouTube views. The song established Idi as an artist to watch and he’s back to build on that success with “DSLM?”.
Take in “DSLM?” above and to see Idi Akz deliver a Next Up? freestyle with Sal, click right here.