Videos 20 June 2022

KAMILLE Unveils Video For Heartfelt Offering “Learning”

20 June 2022

Talented singer-songwriter KAMILLE has given the visual treatment to her latest single, “Learning”.

Directed by Femi Ladi, the visuals are simplistic yet stylistic and keep the focus on KAMILLE as she delivers her powerful lyrics about self-love, self-care and growth.

“Depression has a way of distorting our reality, and it left me feeling worthless, unattractive, suicidal, hopeless, anxious, and insecure,” KAMILLE wrote on Instagram when announcing the song last month. “Even when I got through the darkest parts, it still left remnants with me.

“Since then I’ve been on a difficult journey. It’s been hard trying to rediscover who I am, especially when social media will always try its best to make me forget. But I’m learning to love myself, be myself, and trust myself again.”

Take in the video for “Learning” above and to hear KAMILLE chop it up on the Who We Be Talks podcast, click here.