News 18 August 2015
Author: Bernie Mac

Laughing Gas now banned in London?!

18 August 2015

Laughing Gas has quickly become one of the go to recreational drugs for the young adults and teenagers of today. It’s impossible to miss the canisters littered across the floors at festivals and concerts, but you never really see the bad effects of them.

Usually inhaled, it gives a short burst of euphoria, then you’re back to reality. Unlike other drugs where the buzz lasts for a while, this lasts for up to twenty seconds before dying out. Simply because it hasn’t been made illegal to a classing extent, no one sees the harm in it, when in reality the long term effects are heightened blood pressure, asthma and heart attacks.

From today however, the recreational drug will be banned in Lambeth. The south London council came to the decision and have made it public today, saying you can face up to a £1000 fine or even worse.

What are you thoughts on the drug being banned? Is it a big deal? Should it be banned? Let us know.