Videos 31 January 2019
Author: Alex Griffin

PREMIERE: Lil Berete hires in Loski for “Go N Get It” visuals

31 January 2019

We’ve got another international link up for you tonight, as Canada’s Lil Berete drafts in Kennington’s Loski for a new collaboration, called “Go N Get It”.

The teenage artist has been making noise in his native country for about a year now, rising through the underground and setting his sights on pop stardom, with a brand of melodic street rap that’s a different kind of infectious. He brings the same vibe to this new single, as the pair of rappers sing their way across a wavy instrumental from producer 169. The new video comes courtesy of director Kirx and finds the pair living it large out in Iceland.

Check out the “Go N Get It” video from Lil Berete above now exclusively on GRM Daily and for more from Loski, catch up with his last solo single, “Boasy“.