A Mafia fugitive has been tracked by the police after he posted cooking videos on YouTube.
The Italian Mafia member hid his face but didn’t disguise his tattoos.
Police officers were then able identify him and track him down.
Marc Feren Claude Biart, 53, is accused of being part of the Ndrangheta crime gang. Biart was found and arrested in the Dominican Republic and has been extradited back to Italy.
Biart has been on the run since 2014 and is wanted for trafficking cocaine.
The YouTube videos show the alleged Mafia member cooking with his wife.
The man is accused of being a member of the ‘Ndrangheta who are responsible for most of the cocaine that enters Europe.
In a statement, the police said that the man had been living a “quiet” life in the Dominican Republic.
Italian police saw the videos and travelled to the small town of Boca Chica to arrest the man.
The ‘Ndrangheta are currently on trial in Italy and they are considered one of the world’s most powerful organised crime groups.
The group are based in Italy’s Calabria and is allegedly led by Luigi Mancuso.
It is estimated that the group earn tens of billions of pounds from cocaine every year.
335 members of the gang and corrupt officals have been charged. Over 900 witnesses will give evidence and the trial is expcted to last two years.
It took over three hours to read all of the defendant’s names in court at a recent hearing.
In other drug-related news, New York has become the latest state to legalise the recreational use of marijuana.
New Yorkers aged 21 and older will be allowed to possess up to 3 ounces of cannabis for recreational use or 24 grams of concentrated forms.
Those convicted under cannabis related crimes in the past will have their criminal convictions expunged.