News 15 April 2019

Man Sues Parents For Destroying His Pornography Collection

15 April 2019

A 40-year-old man has sued his parents after they destroyed his extensive pornography collection worth $29,000 (approximately £22,139).

His parents have admitted to ridding of his x-rated films and magazines to protect his “mental and emotional health”.

The U.S. man from Indiana moved back into his parents’ house in October 2016 after being divorced from his ex-wife.

When he moved out of their place ten months later, his mother and father moved his belongings to his new home but his porn collection was missing.

The court papers include email correspondence between the man and his father in which the son wrote: “If you had a problem with my belongings, you should have stated that at the time and I would have gone elsewhere.

“Instead, you choose to keep quiet and behave vindictively”.

When the son initially informed the police of his missing property, he is reported to have sent an officer 44 emails listing the name of films which were destroyed.

His parents claim they counted “twelve morning boxes full of pornography plus two boxes of sex toys” when they were clearing his stuff out of their place.

The man is hoping to win $87,000 (£66,237) in triple financial damages.