Set in London during the summer of 2019, Five From Thirty is the story of a young Londoner called Darnell who reckons with the shortcomings of his career as he turns 25.
Whilst working in the lobby of a boutique hotel, Darnell meets a successful actor who challenges his preconceived notions of success, leading him to question the filtered lens through which society displays its successes on social media.
By his age, “Drake was already 25 sitting on 25 mill”, leading Darnell to question how his peers can buy bussed down watches while he works a 9-to-5.
Five From Thirty is a very strong debut by the up-and-coming film maker. It is a mature and well executed dissection of contemporary societies values and the pressure we put on young people to succeed before its too late.
We can’t wait to see what come next from Nathan Miller.