News 15 August 2016
Author: Marisa Lee

Mad! Four Olympians were ROBBED in Rio

Author Marisa Lee
15 August 2016

More bad news from The Olympics today, as four athletes were robbed for their money in Rio de Janeiro.

Gold medal winning swimmers Ryan Lochte, Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and Jimmy Feigen were stopped by men “posing” as armed police who demanded their money and personal belongings.

The swimmers were on their way back to the athletes’ village after a party at the French Olympic team’s hospitality house, when the criminals stopped their taxi.

The International Olympic Committee originally denied reports of the robbery attempt, until the US committee confirmed it did actually happen.

There is speculation that the robbers were actually just corrupt police, rather than criminals dressed as police.

Lochte’s mother told USA Today, “I think they’re all shaken up. There were a few of them.”

The incident isn’t the first attempted robbery to happen at this year’s Olympics. Two rowing coaches were threatened at knife point on august 5th, a security co-ordinator was targeted as he left the Maracana stadium on the 6th, and the Portuguese education minister was robbed on his way back from a cycling event the same day.

Russian Swimmer Evgeny Korotyshkin also posted a photo on Instagram of two armed men who robbed him near Ipanema, but he has since deleted the photo.