News 3 March 2019

A ‘Rick & Morty’ themed Operation board game has been released

3 March 2019

The reign of Rick & Morty continues as the cartoon series has been turned into a special edition version of the board game, Operation.

For fans of Rick & Morty, the theme of the new board game will be familiar. A homeless man wearing a Santa hat lies naked on the game board whilst players dissect game pieces without hitting the edges to win.

The homeless Santa character comes from the season one episode Anatomy Park where Rick & Morty shrink down in size to invade Ruben’s body and find out what is causing him to die. The episode was Christmas themed and Ruben’s body hosted a Jurrasic Park style theme park with attractions and rollercoasters.

Ruben is unable to be saved by Rick and Morty despite their efforts.Ā 

GRM Daily

Fans waiting for new episodes of the series will likely have to wait until later this year. Ryan Ridley who writes and produces the series recently said in an interview, “I know how long the show takes to write, let alone animate…Iā€™d be surprised if there was a fourth season on the air any sooner than 2019 ā€“ in late 2019.”.