News 23 February 2017
Author: Alex Griffin

Stephen Lawrence killer is suing the government

23 February 2017

One of the men responsible for the murder of Stephen Lawrence, David Norris, is reportedly suing the government for £10,000.

He claims he was beaten up in prison while awaiting trial in 2011, receiving a broken nose and ribs.

He’s now suing the Ministry of Justice for “failing to protect him”, after he was found covered in blood and requiring hospital treatment.

The Ministry of Justice are confident they can see off the case however. A spokesperson said, “We have cut our compensation costs by more than £1 million over the past year.

“We robustly defend all claims and are successful in two thirds of cases brought against us by prisoners.”

Stephen Lawrence was stabbed to death whilst waiting for a bus in 1993, during a racially motivated attack from five assailants.

Norris was finally convicted and sentenced to life in prison in 2012.