In a study that followed men over the course of five years, it has revealed that men who’ve been prescribed Viagra and other adjacent drugs, were 18% less likely to develop common forms of dementia in later years vs those that didn’t use the drug at all.
Interestingly, the results showed that men who used the drug most frequently (prescribed between 21 & 50 pills) had a 44% lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease. However, despite this, scientists have said that it doesn’t necessarily directly correlate, and it could simply mean that men who were already less prone to the disease, are more likely to use viagra.
Dr Ruth Brauer, the lead author on the study said: “We can’t say that the drugs are responsible, but this does give us food for thought on how we move into the future, “we now need a proper clinical trial to look at the effects of these drugs on Alzheimer’s in women as well as men.”