News 13 May 2020

Vue Unveils Plans To Re-Open Cinemas In July

13 May 2020

The cinema chain Vue has spoken out, announcing that it hopes to reopen cinemas on the 4th of July 2020. 

This news follows the announcement made by Boris Johnson, stating that entertainment businesses such as cinemas are part of a plan that may allow them to operate this summer. This is providing that we do not see any drastic changes to the projected virus statistics before then. 

Vue have already confirmed that they are planning new ways of working, in order to make sure their cinemas are safe to visit for customers.

The company said the following on their plans to reopen: “Vue welcomes the announcement by the UK government that includes cinemas among those businesses which it hopes will be in step three of its road-map to lift COVID-19 restrictions, possibly as soon as July 4.

“We have been liaising closely with authorities across Europe to design operating procedures that can provide the degree of social distancing required and allow an experience for our customers and staff that is as safe as possible.

“We look forward to working further with the government and the UK Cinema Association in the coming days to demonstrate the specific steps we will take in the UK, including physically isolating family groups through our online booking systems, staggering film times to maintain social distancing and operate responsibly, and introducing enhanced cleaning and employee protection protocols.”

“Big screen entertainment is a force for good in society, providing an accessible and controlled way for families to begin to enjoy life outside their homes and we are excited to be able to start planning for a future where we can enjoy movies together again.”

These plans have been conducted around the 60 page report that the UK government released on Monday, giving details about phasing leisure businesses to reopen in July.