News 30 August 2016
Author: Benji

WTF… New WhatsApp update shares your conversations with Facebook

Author Benji
30 August 2016

Since Facebook bought WhatsApp for £14.5 billion back in 2014, there have been significant changes to the messaging app. The most recent (and possibly worrying) of these is to the app’s privacy policy, which allows permission to leak users’ phone numbers, device information and metadata onto Facebook.

Facebook says this is all in the name of tailoring ads for users, but considering that those ads will be created from things you’ve spoken to your mates about, it’s a very dodgy move.

Understandably, the public are worried about a breach of privacy which the app actually promised not to affect when joining forces with Facebook.

Elizabeth Denham, the UK’s information commissioner, said in a statement: “The changes WhatsApp and Facebook are making will affect a lot of people. Some might consider it’ll give them a better service, others may be concerned by the lack of control.

“Our role is to pull back the curtain on things like this, ensuring that companies are being transparent with the public about how their personal data is being shared, and protecting consumers by making sure the law is being followed.”

However, there is a way to stop this transition in privacy. The first way to opt out is to not agree to its terms and conditions. When the pop up to accept the terms and conditions is seen on your screen, click “read more” and un-tick “Share my information with Facebook.”

If you have already agreed, you have 30 days still left to opt out; find your WhatsApp settings, click “accounts”, and then unselect “Share my accounts info.”

You can’t go back to sharing your data once the settings are changed though, but you probably won’t want to.

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