News 13 September 2016

A baby gorilla has been named Harambe McHarambeface because the internet

13 September 2016

As if, Nicki Minaj name-dropping the deceased primate Harambe in her latest mixtape wasn’t enough, internet pranksters hijacked an online poll resulting in a baby gorilla being named Harambe McHarmbeface.

A mash-up of gorilla Harambe and Boaty McBoatface (more of that here…) , the poll was created by Jinhua Zoo in China who innocently asked online what they should name the newest member of the zoo.

Clearly, these pranksters want some respek put on Harambe’s name, as they won with a landslide 93%.

But, in a sad twist of events, it’s Chinese name will be Heijin, because, well, Harambe McHarambeface is next to impossible to translate. Funny that.