News 31 January 2017
Author: Alex Griffin

Daily Mail embarrass themselves with racist Section Boyz post

31 January 2017

As if anybody needed any more reminding that the Daily Mail is a toilet rag, they’ve gone and f*cked up in a massive way involving the Section Boyz.

Their Australian outlet have published a story about the “Apex Gang” in Melbourne, but instead of you know, actually including a photo of the actual gang, they blurred out one of Section and put that there.

It raises some serious questions about their already barrel-scraping attitude towards minorities. It isn’t even the first time they’ve roped the Boyz into the story either, as Media Watch reported they’d done it in November too.

They’ve already been at the page and scrubbed any evidence of the faux par happening away, but the screenshots live on and people ain’t too happy about it.

In better news though, Drake brought out Section Boyz at his headline London show, where the “gang” performed their hit single “Lock Arff”.